
The Art of Negotiating a Provider Contract with a Health Plan

Negotiating a provider contract with a health plan is a complex and crucial process that ensures both the provider and the insurance company reach a mutually beneficial agreement. This process affects both parties’ finances and directly impacts the quality of care that patients will receive. Here, we explore the best practices and strategies for successful negotiation. Preparation: The Key to […]

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The Impact of Value-Based Healthcare on Services for Elderly Patients

Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) is a transformative approach that prioritizes patient outcomes relative to the cost of delivering healthcare. In recent years, its influence on the care of elderly patients has been particularly significant, fostering changes that promote better health outcomes while managing costs effectively. As the global population ages, understanding how VBHC impacts services for elderly patients is increasingly crucial. […]

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Survey finds that nearly all doctors are experiencing burnout

A recent survey conducted by Athenahealth offers a glimpse into the prevalent issue of physician burnout, revealing that an overwhelming 93% of respondents, including a majority of primary care doctors, regularly grapple with burnout. Such findings highlight a concerning trend within the medical community, where the relentless demands of the profession take a heavy toll on practitioners’ well-being. More discouragingly, […]

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Legal Considerations of Patient Discounts in Healthcare

In the realm of healthcare services, the issue of offering discounted fees to patients raises questions about legality and ethical considerations. Healthcare providers often provide discounts for various reasons, such as financial hardship, prompt payment, or special circumstances. While offering discounted fees can be a beneficial practice, there are legal considerations that providers must bear in mind. First and foremost, […]

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¿La colegiación compulsoria debería ser una credencial médica?

Por décadas el ser parte del Colegio de Médicos-Cirujanos de Puerto Rico (CMCPR) ha sido parte de las credenciales médicas de los profesionales de salud de la isla al ser compulsorio para poder ejercer en el país. Luego de una exhaustiva lucha, oficialmente el Tribunal Supremo determinó la eliminación de la colegiación compulsoria al concluir que es inconstitucional obligar a […]

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Risk of AI in the Healthcare Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought significant advancements and benefits to the health industry. However, there are several risks associated with its use. Here are some of the risks of AI in the health industry: 1. Privacy and Security Concerns: The collection and analysis of vast amounts of patient data for AI applications raise concerns about data privacy and security. If […]

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In a series of articles, we will present from our perspective and that of experts on the subject, the impact of artificial intelligence in the health industry.   Starting with the impact in general terms, we face that artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, and the healthcare industry is no exception. The ability of AI technologies […]

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The Hospital’s Responsibility for Negligent Credentialing of Faculty Members

In the medical field, credentialing plays a crucial role in ensuring the competence and qualifications of healthcare professionals. Hospitals have a responsibility to carefully vet and credential their faculty members, as this process directly impacts patient safety and well-being. However, cases of negligent credentialing have raised concerns as they expose patients to potential harm and leave hospitals vulnerable to legal […]

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Compliance Week

Credemtia’s Compromise with Compliance CredeMtia is committed to having a strong compliance program not only to meet the healthcare industry requirements but also to seek the highest quality of services for our clients. During compliance week we remind ourselves and our clients of our commitment to compliance and the importance of the 7 elements and how it impacts our operation […]

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