CredeMtia’s successful participation in the 21st Annual Convention of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico
Sunday, December 11, 2022 – After an intense day of orientations and building new professional relationships, at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico
2022 convention, held last week from December 9-11 at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, the CredeMtia team demonstrated that it is the solution to simplify the credentialing process in Puerto Rico and put physicians back in control of their credentials.
The team’s activities focused on providing guidance on credential management and maintenance to each physician present to ease the burden on them in the process.
On behalf of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, main topics were discussed, such as everything related to the management of the most prevalent pediatric conditions in Puerto Rico and the primary care guidelines to address them. Likewise, topics such as the specialty of gynecology and obstetrics, more specifically focused on pelvic pain, cervical dysplasia, sexual violence, and recurrent candidiasis vaginitis, among others.